Pending User Confirmation - booking confirmation mode is set to "By customer via email" under the Dashboard > Accommodation > Settings > General tab > Booking Confirmation section. Once a booking is placed, the guest will receive an email with a confirmation link, which should be clicked in order to confirm a booking. Before it's done, booking stays with the "Pending User Confirmation" status.
Pending Payment - booking confirmation mode is set to "Confirmation upon payment". In this case, the guest will have to pay for the booking after it was placed. So until the system confirms that the payment is received, the booking holds this status.
Pending Admin - there are two reasons for the "Pending Admin" status: a) Confirmation Mode has been set to "By Admin manually" under the Dashboard > Accommodation > Settings > General tab > Booking Confirmation section; b) Confirmation Mode has been set to "Confirmation upon payment", however, the booking has been paid by "Direct bank transfer" gateway that is integrated by the Hotel Booking WooCommerce Payments addon.
Abandoned - booking confirmation mode is set to either "By customer via email" or "Confirmation upon payment". There are time limits for the user to confirm a booking via email or by paying for it. In case payment or confirmation is overdue, booking status changes from "Pending payment" or "Pending user confirmation" to "Abandoned".
Confirmed - pretty self-explanatory, booking is either confirmed by email, by payment or manually by the Admin.
Canceled - booking is canceled by the Admin from the Dashboard or by the guest via email if you include a cancellation link into customers' emails. This option may be found under the Dashboard > Accommodation > Settings > General tab > Booking Cancellation section.
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