Once you downloaded your theme you should be able to find theme_name-manual-install.zip archive. Please unzip it and follow the steps below:
1. First we need to upload media files to your server. For this try to connect to your server (where WordPress is installed) using FTP client (Filezilla, Cyberduck, Transmit) or File Manager - service at your hosting control panel. Then navigate to your site root folder/wp-content/ and upload directory from manual_install that is called /uploads
2. After that you should find theme_name.sql file at package with sample data and open it with file editor like Notepad++, Coda, Atom, etc. and use 'Search and Replace' option
Find what: your_website_url_here
Replace with: https://your-site.com (add your website URL address without slash at the end)
Click Replace all and save changes.
Note: By default WordPress table prefix is wp_. If there is used custom table prefix at your database you need to replace it in SQL file too. You can find your WordPress table prefix at wp-config.php file at the site root folder on server. In the example below you can see custom table prefix mp_
Example: $table_prefix = 'mp_';
So once you found your table prefix copy it and open theme_name.sql file with file editor and use 'Find and Replace' option again:
Find what: wp_
Replace with: custom_table_prefix_ (note there is underscore _ at the end)
Click Replace all
after that:
Find what: _custom_table_prefix (note there is underscore _ at the beginning)
Replace with: _wp
Click Replace all
Save the changes and go to the next step
3. Connect to PhpMyAdmin tool - usually it can be found at your hosting account or cPanel. Once you are in PhpMyAdmin interface you should click at the database name at left sidebar and find Import tab at the top. Click at Import and upload the edited theme_name.sql file. After message about successful import you can go and check your site.
You can also contact us submitting a request and we'll assist you with importing your sample data.
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