Each slide of the Front Page slideshow in the Albatross theme is a child page of the Home page.
To edit the slides you need to navigate to Pages > All pages and find the page marked as a Front Page in the list. You will see several child pages under it
You need to edit pages individually to change the title, description, and featured image. Save the changes when you are done.
You can create more child pages to add new slides to the slideshow.
More slideshow settings can be found at Appearance > Customize > Theme Settings > Front Page Slider:
Enable slideshow - allows you to enable to slide the slides automatically.
Slideshow speed - time in milliseconds to change the slide
Use fade animation effect - switch default animation is 'slide' into 'fade'
Animation speed - the speed of slide/fade amination on the slide change (milliseconds)
Enable video as a first slide - this option allows to add a video as the first slide. Example: https://themes.getmotopress.com/albatross/
Autoplay video - play video automatically on the page load. Many browsers require to mute video to allow the autoplay.
Mute video - turn off the sound
Loop video - infinite repeat video when it ends
Video - select a video from the media library
Video Poster - an image that is displayed while the video is loaded.
Video Title - the title of the video slide
Video Caption - the description of the video slide.
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